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- Why Teach English abroad?
Why Teach English abroad?
Job Security
With such a strong job market, prospective English teachers need not ask whether or not they can get a job, they only need ask within what country will they teach?
Straight-forward Eligibility
Any recent college graduates, as well as English-speakers without a college degree, qualify to teach English abroad. Certification through one of our TEFL programs can also help to provide teachers with the training and qualifications to begin their career as a professional English teacher abroad.
Paid Adventure
One of the greatest personal benefits of teaching English abroad is to actually get paid as you experience the culture of a foreign country. Wages and living expenses vary from one country to another, but few other jobs offer the opportunity to get paid for the adventure of a lifetime.
Cultural Immersion
Working among the locals also means living among the locals. As an English teacher you will be a part of the working community of the foreign country you teach in. You will reside in a typical neighborhood, shop the local markets, use public transportation and savor the flavor of the cuisine and entertainment just like a local, learning the lingo as you go. It is likely that you will build friendships and become part of everyday, local family life. That is an experience that cannot be found in any college classroom or executive boardroom.
Amp Up the Resume
Current job markets are highly competitive. What greater way to have an edge on a rival than to have a resume that reflects a year abroad and fluency in another language. With the current economy being a global economy, international experience is definitely a plus on any resume, not to mention the character traits a TEFL job reflects such as key communication skills, cultural awareness, leadership abilities, and of course foreign language skills! Any prospective employer will reflect upon your initiative, ability to adapt, and willingness to accept a challenge as your resume is considered.
“Real World Experience” for the Grad
Many graduate schools look for students who have gained non-academic experience before admission. Teaching English abroad can fulfill this requirement. Be prepared to share your experiences abroad when you sit for your interview.
International Career Prep
Agencies such as the State Department of the United States, CIA, and UN, report that they prefer candidates that are multi-lingual, have travelled internationally, have an awareness of international affairs, and volunteer experience. Teaching English abroad can satisfy such preferences.
International Travel
Often, the geographical location of an English teaching position offers the benefit of economical international travel to neighboring countries. See the world as you teach in Asia, Europe and South and Central America.
Make A Difference
In addition to many wonderful personal benefits, teaching English abroad puts a person in a position to make a profound, positive impact on the lives of many people, enabling them to better their lives, achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.
Previously: 10 Tips for Teaching English Abroad to Adults