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Why You Should Consider Teaching English In India


The English language is essential for the people of India. Although India’s economy continues to grow, there are still millions that are impoverished and the desire to achieve prosperity is of the upmost importance for the men, women, and children who want to improve their quality of life.

A massive and diverse country, India is known for it’s vast population. It is estimated that out of its 1.35 billion residents only about 30% know how to speak English.

With the desire to evolve and progress, more professionals than ever are seeking English teachers.

One of the reasons you should consider teaching English in India is that you will be changing the lives of locals forever! You will be making it possible for them to have the chance of a better, more enriched life.

As a teacher in India you’ll have no luxuries; that’s essential to know. However, the knowledge and sense of accomplishment that you will feel when looking into the eyes of children that are passionate to learn is something that money can’t buy. The life experiences you will take with you will be priceless!

The English language skills you teach will go a long way to giving local children a sense of confidence and will set them on the road to success.

Getting your qualification to teach in India is pretty straightforward. TEFL UK offers an internship that will guide and train you. You will be able to teach conversation and practical English to young Indian learners with lots of further opportunities for project work.

You will also be able to gain international experience in one of the world’s fastest growing economies, as well as the opportunity to learn about Indian language, culture and way of life.

The cost of living in India is extremely low which makes it a great place to live. Food and accommodation add up to a few dollars a day.

It’s common to spend only 50 cents (USD) for a street food meal including a drink!

Apartments are cheap, depending on the location, and it’s recommended to “live like a local” and immerse yourself fully in the culture to get the best experience.

Learning to live in India will be challenging at first. In the Western world people are used to order and structure. However, in India things tend to run at a more 'laid back' pace.

Learning to slow down and take your time will be a skill that can benefit you throughout your life.

Teaching English in India or any other country is an opportunity to travel, immerse yourself in another culture, learn a way of life different from your own and give back to those less fortunate.

Attaining your certification to teach English abroad will give you a sense of accomplishment and contribution that will last a lifetime and be a great addition to your resume for future job opportunities.

Make sure to share your experiences with us and let us help you celebrate your own successes!