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We support Concern Worldwide in their mission to end extreme poverty

TEFL UK are proud to support Concern Worldwide in their mission to help those in need across the world and transform the lives of people living in extreme poverty.

School children

Together we can end extreme poverty

In this video, Liv explains how our donations can help to make a difference in the world's most vulnerable communities.

Concern’s education programmes

In 2018, Concern’s education programmes reached 735,458 children in 23 countries. Our aim is to help make lasting improvements in the lives of extremely poor people by implementing high quality, multi-dimensional education programmes.

Key focus areas

Education is at the heart of development and is key to breaking the cycle of poverty, and improving health, nutrition, income and opportunities for all children. To achieve this, we focus on three areas:

  • Increasing access to education
  • Improving the quality of teachers and learning literacy, in particular, literacy through the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) tool
  • Improving the well-being of children by providing safe and encouraging learning environments
TEFL UK staff holding Concern support banner

How Concern is improving literacy with the most vulnerable

Worldwide, at least 250 million school-age children currently do not know the basics in literacy and mathematics. This poor level of literacy increases school drop-out and exam failure levels and prevents students from progressing to secondary education. It puts millions of children at adisadvantage for the rest of their lives. To help us accurately assess, improve and monitor literacy levels with the most vulnerable communities in the world, Concern usesa sector-leading EGRA tool. The tool is a series of short oral tests taken in the early grades of primary school. This allowsan assessment and a plan to address children’s learning needs to be developed at an early age. The process identifies gaps in knowledge, gathers robust data and monitors a child’s progress so that we can accurately evaluate the success of the programme over time.

Case studies

See how Concern support education in Kenya

We are proud that our donations are helping children from the poorest and most fragile communities to receive an education.

Our promise

£1 from the sale of every TEFL course in 2025 will directly benefit Concern’s education programmes.

Concern logo

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